Our COVID-19 Response
The safety and well-being of our residents and team members are always our highest priority. Now more than ever, we are a vital place for seniors who may otherwise be isolated at home. Our experienced leadership team remains in communication with industry leaders in an effort to provide the safest environment possible for our residents, team members and visitors.
Since early March 2020, we have been working to protect our residents from COVID-19. Due to the nature of communal living and the age of our residents, we have always had a strong plan in place for infection prevention and response. With the threat of COVID-19, we fortified that plan with several safety operational and clinical protocols, based on guidance from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention along with our state licensing and public health offices.
From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ormond Manor mobilized quickly to address the challenges we face by:
Using our network to procure an ample supply of personal protective equipment and safety supplies
Updating our operating procedures to include many new safety protocols
Adhering to cleaning and disinfecting protocols recommended by the CDC
Collaborating with other communities to share best practices and education
In early 2020, we aggressively implemented a number of enhanced safety protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Following is a list of these key changes which have been adopted into our ongoing safety procedures:
We follow the cleaning and disinfecting protocol set forth by the CDC, which includes the use of antibacterial and commercial cleaning agents, more frequent trash collection, the use of gloves, hand sanitizer and frequent hand washing.
Community Access & Screening
We have limited outside access to our community based on guidance from the CDC, state health department and community infection rates.
We have a single point of entry staffed by an associate to effectively screens and takes temperatures of all visitors and staff prior to entry.
We routinely screen all residents twice daily by taking temperatures and screening for symptoms.
All of our residents have received both dosages of the COVID-19 vaccine, as well as most of our staff members. Staff who have not been vaccinated are routinely tested.
We require all visitors who have not been fully vaccinated to adhere to a rapid COVID-19 screening prior to entry in the community.
We require our team members and visitors to wear a mask while in our building, and encourage residents to wear masks in common areas of our building.
We maintain a supply of masks for our residents, staff and visitors as well as N95 masks and additional PPE to be used as needed.
We have a number of hand sanitizer stations throughout the community.
Our response will continue to evolve as we receive new information and guidance.
Our Sincere Gratitude
COVID-19 has presented challenges we never before imagined. Yet, through it all, we have watched people from different generations and walks of life come together to support our community; reinforcing that we truly are stronger together! Our families and neighbors have helped us continue to provide an engaging, caring environment for our residents with outdoor celebrations. As we look toward tomorrow, we are confident that by working together we can provide the welcoming and safe community our seniors love. We are in this together!