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10 Ways for Caregivers to Take a Quick Break

10 ways to take a quick break that fit your busy schedule and benefit physical and emotional health

Caregivers need regular breaks

Taking regular breaks is essential for caregiver health. 

As people often say, caregiving is a marathon, so it’s essential to pace yourself for the long haul.

One helpful habit is to take micro breaks during the day.

Tiny breaks will fit into your busy schedule and still benefit your physical and emotional health.

We explain how even a 5 minute break can reduce stress and share 10 ways to take a quick break right now. 

Keep this list on hand and use these ideas whenever you have a few minutes to relax.


5 minute breaks reduce stress and help you think clearly

You might think that you have to spend a week vacationing at the beach to de-stress, but that’s not true at all.

Taking short breaks throughout the day gives your brain and body a break. 

These much-needed breaks relieve stress, keep you focused on important tasks, and help you think more clearly.

When your schedule is packed and your To Do list keeps growing, it’s more important than ever to find bits of time for breaks. 

Even 5 minute breaks can reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

10 ways to take a quick break right now

We rounded up 10 great ways to take a quick break. The next time you have a few minutes, give one of these a try.

  1. Do the 4-7-8 Calm Breathing Exercise.

  2. Drink a glass of water. Dehydration makes you tired, headachy, and cranky.

  3. Try this relaxing 3 minute guided meditation.

  4. Eat a healthy snack (get ideas here). Hunger also makes you tired, headachy, and cranky.

  5. Follow this 4 minute relaxing stretch video you can do at your desk or chair.

  6. Listen to a few of your favorite songs.

  7. Take a 5 min walk outside. If you can’t leave your older adult alone, just step outside the door and breathe some fresh air, leaving it open so you can still keep an eye on them.

  8. Do a brain dump. Get all your thoughts out on paper. Don’t worry about being organized, neat, or even making sense. Just start writing things down on paper and don’t stop until your brain is clear.

  9. Move your body – do 10 squats, 10 jumping jacks, and 10 lunges. Repeat until you feel energized.

  10. Watch a silly, funny video like the best of the TV show Wipeout (an obstacle game show) with hilarious commentary.

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By DailyCaring Editorial Team


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