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Ormond Manor

How the Positive Effects of Gratitude Reduce Caregiver Stress

positive effects of gratitude

Gratitude is proven to reduce stress

Gratitude is a great stress reduction technique for caregivers. It’s a simple, but truly effective way to combat stress.

Plus, it’s free, quick, and can be done anytime, anywhere.

Studies show that practicing gratitude can make you happier, lower stress, protect you from depression, help you sleep better, boost your immune system, and improve your relationships.

But it’s important to know that being grateful doesn’t mean ignoring negative feelings.

We explain what gratitude really means, share 2 positive effects of gratitude that reduce caregiver stress, and suggest an easy way to add a little gratitude to your day.


Gratitude isn’t about ignoring bad things

Nobody is suggesting that caregivers should suck it up and be thankful no matter how tough things get.

Gratitude is about noticing that there are always some positive things in your life, no matter how dark things may seem.

Being aware of that helps you get a different perspective. It also helps you to see that things are not 100% terrible all the time.

During tough times, it can be comforting to know that.

2 positive effects of gratitude for caregivers

1. It helps you become more optimistic Getting into the habit of noticing and being thankful for the good things (small or big) improves your overall attitude.

It also trains your brain to become naturally more optimistic.

2. It helps you focus on what you DO have Instead of getting sucked into a negative spiral about what you don’t have, use gratitude to pay attention to what you do have.

Make a conscious effort to focus on the people, situations, and things that make life better.

Use a simple gratitude journal to reduce caregiver stress

One of the best (and simplest) ways to practice gratitude is to keep a journal.

This can be as simple as a paper notebook, a text document on your computer, or a notes app on your mobile device.

The point is to give you a place to write down the things that make you feel grateful. There’s no right or wrong way to do it.

A few suggestions to get started:

  1. Set aside a few minutes each day to think about and write down one or more things you’re grateful for.

  2. Read over your journal when you’re feeling down or extra stressed. Reviewing your list is a good way to boost your mood and shift your perspective.

  3. Notice big things (example: I’m grateful that I have a caring person in my life) as well as small things (example: I really enjoyed the weather today) – everything counts!

Practicing gratitude by keeping a journal is free, easy to do, and truly does reduce stress. Why not try it for a few weeks to see how you feel?

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By DailyCaring Editorial Team Image: Rockpool Publishing


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